Podcast Release: Do You Need To Ask For Help More?

Do You Need To Ask For Help More? Dr. Wayne Baker in ‘Making Positive Psychology Work’ Podcast with Michelle McQuaid

McQuaid is a best-selling author, wellbeing teacher and research in positive psychology, neuroscience, and business success.

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In This Podcast You’ll Learn:

[03:15] – Wayne explains why being a good giver-requester at work shapes our success and wellbeing in workplaces.

[04:29] – Wayne outlines how his research on giver-requesters intersects with the research of Professor Adam Grant on being successful self-protective givers.

[06:07] – Wayne shares what the research is finding on how gender influences our ability to ask for help at work.

[06:57] – Wayne offers insights on how age and power influence our ability to ask for help at work.

[08:39] – Wayne outlines how psychological safety in our workplaces influences our ability to ask for help at work and what we can do to improve this

[10:34] – Wayne outlines the SMART criteria to make it easier to ask for help at work and for people to say yes.

[13:12] – Wayne shares his free assessment tool to measure your ability to ask for help and shares the findings surfacing from this new research.

[14:54] – Wayne shares the barriers that make it difficult for most people to ask for help at work and how we can overcome these.

[18:01] – Wayne shares why researchers are finding that you should ask people more than once for help.

[19:06] – Wayne provides some plug and play routines that workplaces can use to help make asking for help easier.

[20:34] – Wayne shares how we can map the energy for asking and giving within our teams to measure what is unfolding.

[21:23] – Wayne explains how mini-games can be used to playfully incentivize a group to ask for help to solve a problem together.

[23:22] – Wayne offers some tips to help recruit and reward leaders who are chief help seekers.

[24:50] – Wayne offers two cautions about asking for help at work.

[26:28] – Wayne completes the Lightning Round.