The Evolved Caveman Apple Podcast | The Biggest Barrier to Success - Being Afraid to Ask


“Over the past 15 years, Wayne Baker has taught me one of the most important lessons of my career. The biggest barrier to generosity (and success) is not that others are unwilling to give but that we are afraid to ask.” Adam Grant, NY Times bestselling author.

Often, the most powerful ideas are the simplest. Find out how you can begin to master the one tool that stands between you and success: the ability to ask for what you need to succeed and be happy. 

The Man Box culture teaches the value of self-reliance. 85% of Americans agree that “I would rather depend on myself than others.” But, as always, you can take things too far. If you don’t ask for advice, you may miss out on valuable opportunities. Failure to seek early treatment for depression and/or anxiety prolongs the length of the issue. And trying to do it all can lead to stress and burnout. 

Discover what keeps you from asking for what you need and how to get better at this invaluable skill.

ExecuNet Master Class Session - 'How to Connect Meaningfully in the Virtual World Meetings, Job Searches, and More'


Many situations can be overwhelming, frustrating, or stressful, and yet almost all can be resolved simply by reaching out to a colleague, friend, acquaintance, or wider network and making an ask.

Further, connections with others are vital for our mental and physical health and wellbeing. That’s why—in a time of social distancing—it’s important to be able to connect meaningfully with others in a virtual world.

Asking for help makes us better and less frustrated at our jobs. It helps us find new opportunities, new jobs, and new talent. Yet, we rarely give ourselves permission to ask. The sudden shift to virtual-only interactions has exacerbated this problem.

Luckily, the research shows that asking and getting what we need is much easier than we think, even in a suddenly virtual world—as long as we know what to do and how to do it.

In this ExecuNet Master Class session, Wayne Baker, author of All You Have to Do is Ask, highlights the learnings from his book and shares a few of the tools—used at companies like Google, GM, and IDEO—that individuals, teams, and leaders can use to make asking for help a personal and organizational habit, with an emphasis on how to use these tools in a virtual world. Topics include:

  • Obstacles to asking for what you need and how to overcome them

  • Methods for figuring out what you need

  • SMART criteria for making an ask

  • Tapping the full potential of your network

  • Crowdsourcing with technology, such as Givitas and other tools that allow people to tap into the giving power of a network.

  • Practical recommendations to make meaningful connections

Asking Up, Why Is It So Hard? The James Altucher Show With Wayne Baker & Adam Grant

Why It's CRUCIAL To Learn How to Ask & Negotiate: I Talk to University of Michigan Professor Wayne Baker & Wharton Professor Adam Grant on How to Create More Opportunities & Make More Money


We're all scared to ask for certain things: a raise, permission to work from home, more vacation time, seed money, an introduction, whatever. You know what it is for you. So I invited Wayne Baker, author of All You Have to Do Is Ask: How to Master the Most Important Skill for Success" and Adam Grant, esteemed Wharton professor and best-selling author of "Originals: How Non-Conformists Move the World" to come on and share which tactics are best for motivating people, negotiating, asking for difficult things and more. 


Harvard Business Review, IdeaCast: The Art of Asking for (and Getting) Help, with Wayne Baker

Alison Beard of HBR IDEACast, Harvard Business Review, interviews Wayne Baker

The Art of Asking for (and Getting) Help


Are you a overly generous giver? What is an overly generous giver? In this interview Wayne outlines different types of givers and helpers, such as help seeking- autonomous vs dependent. Baker also describes the importance of two main ideas of how to being generous and help people, freely.

The two discuss the difference in a willingness to ask for help across several demographics, including junior vs senior levels or leaders, men vs women, and across cultures and ages.

Beard questions Baker on proven methods in asking for help when you don’t know exactly what you need or who to ask for it. Later Baker outlines the acronym SMART and how to make a “SMART” request.

They discuss cross-collaboration workshops and how to roll them out in your team.

Productivityist Podcast | Wayne Baker


“Asking for help can be a real challenge – and it keep us from reaching our full potential. The conversation we have on this episode should help you get better at asking. Dr. Baker and I discuss why we need help from others to be more productive, why generosity within a company isn't the issue when it comes to developing a culture where asking is fostered, and how leaders can use certain techniques and tools to build a habit of asking in themselves and their colleagues.”

How can company leaders help cultivate a culture of generosity and nurturing the idea of asking ?

Wayne Baker Encourages You to Ask for Help on Hack the Process Podcast


A Show About Moving Mindfully From Planning Into Action

You know that one unobtainable thing you need? You might be able to get it just by asking, according to Dr. Wayne Baker. His new book, All You Have to Do is Ask, can tell you why it works and show you how to do it, based on years of research and work in the field of generalized reciprocity. In this episode of Hack the Process Dr. Baker will tell us how he structures his time to put writing at the start of his day, what surprised him about his initial research into generosity, and why it’s important to communicate the meaning of your request for help.

Podcast Release: Do You Need To Ask For Help More?

Do You Need To Ask For Help More? Dr. Wayne Baker in ‘Making Positive Psychology Work’ Podcast with Michelle McQuaid

McQuaid is a best-selling author, wellbeing teacher and research in positive psychology, neuroscience, and business success.

Michelle McQuaid_Asking For Help At Work_podcast.jpg

In This Podcast You’ll Learn:

[03:15] – Wayne explains why being a good giver-requester at work shapes our success and wellbeing in workplaces.

[04:29] – Wayne outlines how his research on giver-requesters intersects with the research of Professor Adam Grant on being successful self-protective givers.

[06:07] – Wayne shares what the research is finding on how gender influences our ability to ask for help at work.

[06:57] – Wayne offers insights on how age and power influence our ability to ask for help at work.

[08:39] – Wayne outlines how psychological safety in our workplaces influences our ability to ask for help at work and what we can do to improve this

[10:34] – Wayne outlines the SMART criteria to make it easier to ask for help at work and for people to say yes.

[13:12] – Wayne shares his free assessment tool to measure your ability to ask for help and shares the findings surfacing from this new research.

[14:54] – Wayne shares the barriers that make it difficult for most people to ask for help at work and how we can overcome these.

[18:01] – Wayne shares why researchers are finding that you should ask people more than once for help.

[19:06] – Wayne provides some plug and play routines that workplaces can use to help make asking for help easier.

[20:34] – Wayne shares how we can map the energy for asking and giving within our teams to measure what is unfolding.

[21:23] – Wayne explains how mini-games can be used to playfully incentivize a group to ask for help to solve a problem together.

[23:22] – Wayne offers some tips to help recruit and reward leaders who are chief help seekers.

[24:50] – Wayne offers two cautions about asking for help at work.

[26:28] – Wayne completes the Lightning Round.