The Evolved Caveman Apple Podcast | The Biggest Barrier to Success - Being Afraid to Ask


“Over the past 15 years, Wayne Baker has taught me one of the most important lessons of my career. The biggest barrier to generosity (and success) is not that others are unwilling to give but that we are afraid to ask.” Adam Grant, NY Times bestselling author.

Often, the most powerful ideas are the simplest. Find out how you can begin to master the one tool that stands between you and success: the ability to ask for what you need to succeed and be happy. 

The Man Box culture teaches the value of self-reliance. 85% of Americans agree that “I would rather depend on myself than others.” But, as always, you can take things too far. If you don’t ask for advice, you may miss out on valuable opportunities. Failure to seek early treatment for depression and/or anxiety prolongs the length of the issue. And trying to do it all can lead to stress and burnout. 

Discover what keeps you from asking for what you need and how to get better at this invaluable skill.