All You Have To Do Is Ask, Author Wayne Baker | Published Article in The Economist
Topics from the book ‘All You Have To Do Is Ask’ take center stage in The Economist Intelligence Unit “THE VALUE BETWEEN US - The role of social bonds in business success. The article and published report dive deep into the topic of asking and creating a culture of psychological safety in the workplace.
“Social capital is not just the flow of knowledge and information.It involves the transfer of emotions and energy.”
“Firms must also fight reluctance to seek help. “People fear being perceived as incompetent, weak or lazy,” says Mr Baker, but the opposite is true. If you make an intelligent request, people will perceive you to be more competent.
One tactic is to implement structures that normalize the process of asking—and giving—such as a “reciprocity ring”. This is a group exercise in which individuals request help on specific issues, and other participants commit to tap their knowledge, wisdom or networks. It can be a one-time exercise or a regular, structured process. Another example is a “daily stand-up” in which employees say what they are working on and where they need help. “A manager who institutes these is creating conditions by which people will create and use social capital. Over time, as they see it work, people will ask for bigger things.”